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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Who Is Really The One Inciting Anger?

Did you watch the CBS Interview with President Obama the other day?

Obama tried to appear presidential, but how can he be presidential when it is always someone else responsible for American's dissatisfaction with his policies and his failure to be an effective president?

The interview was an attempt by the President and/or the interviewer to take your eyes off from what Congress and this administration is doing by getting you to focus somewhere else.

Tactic 1: Play The Shell Game

What we see being played out by the media is nothing more than Politics as Usual. It's called the shell game, the way politicians handle controversial situations.

The shell game has three walnut shells with a pea placed under one of them. The object of the game is to keep the observer's eyes on the shell with a pea under it. As the the shells are moved around very quickly, the observer loses track of the shell with the pea.

Since the goal is to make a person think the pea is somewhere else than where it really is, it is easy to get things past the observer that would otherwise be seen. This is how our current and past administrations pacify us or redirect our attention.

The problem with using the shell game too often, however, is the American People are becoming too smart and won't play the game the way they are supposed to anymore .

Now that we recognize the game, we are better at keeping our eyes on the pea. We follow the movement of shells quite well because we are a more informed public. This is due to the increase of blogs on the internet so we don't have to believe liberal media coverage that is spoon feed to us by Washington.

Our Counter Move: Keep Our Eyes On The Pea

At first glance, it may appear that President Obama doesn't get it; he doesn't understand why the American People are so angry with him. It is apparent that this is a mistake in thinking. Of course Obama understands what he's doing. He knows exactly what is going on because he is a smart politician.

A smart politician knows that everything must be planned out beforehand. These plans include how he or she responds to the media, how he or she responds to criticism, and how he or she's response resonates with the people. With most cases in politics, the "shell game" is standard operating procedure.

Therefore, a smart-counter move is to attack those who discredit a politician. In this case, the politician is President Obama, along with people in Congress who are on a hit list to be replaced next election. Those in President Obama's line of site are some politicians, Fox News, and people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

The best defense is a good offense. In this case, it would be a smart move to suggest that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, the TEA Party, Conservatives, Sarah Palin, and the American People who don't like his policies are inciting hate in their criticism of him. They criticize because they don't understand what he is trying to accomplish for this nation. After all, he only wants what's best for America. Right?

Tactic 2: Play The Victim Role For Sympathy

When President Obama gets a reporter in front of him from CBS, with whom he likely called and set up the interview, he starts playing the victim role. You know what that means don't you? He acts out the role of  "Whoe is me! See how unfairly those on the "Right" represent me and my sincere desire to do what's best for America."

Playing the victim role happens to be one tactic that is very fruitful when people can't see through the ploy. However, we see through it because that tactic has been used on us a time or two before and so we know what President Obama is doing, and why.

Obama needs sympathy from the American People in order to regain their trust. To do that, he needs a "bad guy'. For now, the bad guys are Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Republicans who oppose his objectives, and the grassroots Conservative movement.

In other words, the plan is to make those who disagree with the President appear hateful. What's even worse than the sympathy card is using the race card as a tool. When sympathy doesn't work, they use racism as a tactic from their toolbox.

Have you noticed that, when someone disagrees with another who is black, people start yelling racism even when it's obvious that it's not? It isn't racism to complain about the President's policies, even though Obama's campaign was keyed in on race.

The American way is about having the ability to complain when people object to government policy. Race is NOT the problem with this man, it is Obama's ideals and deception that's the problem.

In general, the Democrat leaders want to convince the American People that the problem isn't with them and the President's policies, they are not to blame for the anger towards government. It is Sara Palin, the Republicans and Conservatives who are to blame for the anger of Americans.

Counter-Move: Hit Back

Now some of those people being blamed for the mess are hitting back at President Obama.

On Friday, Rush Limbaugh hit back at Obama's interview comments. He said the president isn’t telling the truth and that he doesn't have the support of the American people.

Limbaugh said on his radio program after Obama's Interview with CBS 's Harry Smith that the President made false statements about vitriol reporting by Limbaugh and Fox News. The implication that the reports are aimed at stirring up the American People is untrue.

Thursday, Harry Smith asked President Obama if he is “aware of the level of enmity that crosses the airwaves and that people have made part of their daily conversation" about him, including being called a Nazi and socialist? Obviously, this question was predetermined so the President could respond to what the talk show hosts are saying about him.

Obama replied by saying, "Well, I think that when you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck, it's pretty apparent, and it's troublesome, but keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of vitriol comes out."

People are angry with the President and Congress for ignoring the "Will Of The People".  Rush and Beck just reflect what the people are thinking and saying. They and Sarah Palin are becoming the voice for the American People.

The president continued by saying, "It happens often when you've got an economy that is making people more anxious, and people are feeling like there is a lot of change that needs to take place. But that's not the vast majority of Americans. I think the vast majority of Americans know that we're trying hard, that I want what's best for the country."

That's right, it's the economy that President Bush left him that make people angry at him. A little sarcasm is used here to point out how ridiculous it is to blame President Bush for everything wrong with the economy today--never mind the fact that Congress was in charge of spending for the last several years of Bush's term.

It is Obama's ridiculous comment that made some people think that perhaps the President doesn't get it.  He says the vast majority of Americans don't feel the way Limbaugh and Beck do. Obviously, the President doesn't care or pay attention to the polls that say 78 percent of the people are against the Health Care Plan that Congress passed. And I might add, passed against the will of the majority of Americans.

In response to the comment Smith made about Obama being called a Nazi or Socialist, Limbaugh said on his radio show and posted it to, "Who has called him a Nazi? Who do we know that has called him a Nazi? Socialist?  Yeah. Marxist? We have compared healthcare in America to what the Nazis tried to do in Germany and get the control of the people going in that regard."

For Obama’s claim to have the people’s support,  Limbaugh said “The American people do not think that Barack Obama is doing what's best for the country.

They do not believe that in the slightest.  Never in my life have I seen a regime like this governing so against the will of the people, purposely.  I have never known more people personally who literally fear for the country.

For Barack Obama to run around and say that this show and Beck and all of talk radio is filled with vitriol?  Barack Obama sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years and never once complained about the tone of Jeremiah Wright's bigoted, anti-American, racist rants.

According to polling, Obama’s approval rating fell to 44% in the latest CBS News Poll, the lowest level of his time in office. This means the majority of Americans DO NOT think the way the President does and they agree with the way radio and talk show hosts say they think.

Notice that 44% compares to 49% in late March, just before the healthcare reform bill became law. His approval rating was 50% in January and 68% last April. Also, we know that the approval rating for Congress is only 18% since the passing of ObamaCare.


We can be angry with the President and Congress but remember that the world is watching us.

We show how our democratic society functions by the way we behave under duress. In other words, we prove or disprove that America is different than other counties that overthrow their government through violence.

Although it is possible that violence is inevitable to change the hold Obama and the progressive liberals have on our nation, we must weigh our responses with prudence. We must try every legal and peaceful means possible to change the direction of this nation by using our vote.

We cannot fall into the ploys of Obama and people like him by inciting anger, even though he is inflaming anger by his mandates. We need to see through the tools people like him use to control or fool the masses and not play the shell game.

We must not respond with hate and violence to the tactics this administration uses to divide this nation in order to control us.

The truth is, very shortly there will be much worse things to worry about than what is being said by Congress, Obama, and talk show hosts.

Banks are going to fail very shortly, perhaps by September this year, and the dollar crashing and leaving people without food or money is going to become a very big issue for Americans.

We need to resist being distracted by what Obama is doing to play the shell game and stay focused on preparing ourselves and family for scary times ahead of us.

Remember that the government has the power to place dissidents in prison and make our lives miserable. The way we respond to all this will make a difference in how bad we make it for ourselves and families.

Perhaps we cannot wait until November to replace Congressional members. Perhaps we need to do something now like California did when they recalled Gray as governor.

In the meantime, prepare your families and yourself spiritually, emotionally, and economically to handle what may be on the horizon.
  • Make sure you have food and items to use for trade.
  • Check out the video below and then go to our store and get the things you need; make that a priority.
  • And most importantly, pray for our nation and your family.
Watch This Video From OurDayShopping With Emergency Supplies and Planning For Stormy Days Ahead.

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