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5 years ago
Of all Barack Obama’s comments since becoming president, few have been as distasteful as his suggestion that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is illegally using foreign funds for advertising that promotes Republicans.Since when, in America, has the burden of proof been required of the accused. I thought a person is innocent until proven guilty. I guess, if you are a Democrat though, it is prove that you are innocent. Why didn't Obama open his records when he was accused of taking foreign money for his campaign?
At a rally In Philadelphia, Obama said “the American people deserve to know who is trying to sway their elections” and raised the possibility that foreign interests could be funding his opponents.
“You don’t know,” Obama said. “It could be the oil industry. It could even be foreign-owned corporations. You don’t know because they don’t have to disclose.”
David Axelrod, a top Obama adviser, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the chamber should open its books to prove that it is not receiving foreign money.
Kessler says: The Democratic National Committee is running ads attacking the chamber as “shills for big business” who have apparently “even taken foreign money to spend on our elections.”And then I read an article about "Obama’s Campaign Contribution Records Scrubbed Clean" by Pamela Geller
In fact, 96 percent of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's three million members are small businesses with 100 employees or fewer — the very businesses Obama should support so they can grow and hire more workers.
Chamber senior vice president Tom Collamore called the Democratic attacks a “blatant attempt to avoid a serious discussion of Americans’ top priority — creating jobs and growing the economy.”
Obama is besmirching the presidency by using McCarthyite tactics against Republicans. As noted in the Newsmax story The Real Story on Sen. Joe McCarthy, McCarthy not only made up baseless charges about individual communists in the government, he undermined the FBI’s efforts to find real Soviet spies in the government.
Playing the blame game is part of Obama’s DNA. For 20 years, he listened to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. blame America for creating the AIDS virus and putting blacks in prison rather than killing them off.
Obama rarely misses an opportunity to blame President Bush and Republicans for the fact that almost two years after he took office, the U.S. unemployment rate is still stuck at 9.6 percent. Ironically, polls show Americans are now roughly split on whether they would rather have Obama or Bush in the White House.
If the CEO of a company kept blaming poor results on a predecessor from nearly two years back, he would be fired. But Obama has so little regard for the intelligence of the American people that he thinks his cover-up of his own failings will work. His low opinion of Americans’ intelligence was evident in remarks during the campaign.
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said in April 2008.
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” Obama added.
As Time magazine’s Mark Halperin said on MSNBC, “If [President Obama] can’t win an argument straight up and down, ‘I’m better for jobs than the Republicans,’ then he shouldn’t be president, really.”
Americans are poised to demonstrate in the November election that they see through Obama’s tactics.
I appeared on David Asman’s show on Fox Tuesday evening to discuss the hypocrisy of the Obama gang’s new fallacious attack on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, projecting Democrat crimes on unsuspecting decent organizations. The whole episode showed up the incredible hypocrisy of Obama and the Democrats, and their callous indifference to the will of the people.USE THIS LINK TO READ THE REST OF HER REPORT
Obama and the Democrats claim that the Chamber of Commerce has been funding Republican candidates using foreign money. But as I show in great detail in my book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America (Simon & Schuster), in 2008 Obama’s FEC records were full of donations from people with obviously fake names, and other questionable material. (In contrast, McCain’s were squeaky clean.)
The Obama campaign website even featured a drop-down box enabling donors to specify from what country they were donating. All the donor had to do was check a box certifying that he was legally eligible to make a donation. There was no safeguard in place to make sure that foreign nationals did not donate from these countries, in flagrant defiance of the federal law forbidding candidates from receiving foreign donations.
Obama’s campaign received donations from the world over: the Virgin Islands, Vienna, The Hague, Madrid, London, Geneva, Tokyo, Bangkok, Turin, Paris, Munich, Madrid, Roma, Zurich, Moscow, Milan, Singapore, Beijing, Switzerland, Toronto, Vancouver, Dublin, Panama, Berlin, Geneva, Buenos Aires, Prague, Nagoya, Budapest, Barcelona, Sweden, Taipei, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Zurich, Ragusa, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Uganda, Mumbai, Tunis, Zacatecas, St. Croix, Mississauga, Lima, Copenhagen, Dubai, Jeddah, Kabul, Cairo, and many others.
Worst of all, Obama’s campaign received contributions from Hamas-controlled Gaza (documentation here) and lied about refunding those jihad donations.
She ends her report with this statement that is the gem of gems:
White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, said, “This brings to light the importance of disclosure. The only reason someone like Geller was able to find this out was because of the FEC’s disclosure of donations, something the Chamber of Commerce refuses to do.” Hey Josh, the Chamber is private, the FEC is government.
Aren’t they afraid that their hypocrisy will be exposed? No. The White House is fanatically partisan, bent on destroying the Republicans, and the Democrats don’t care about their hypocrisy on this issue because they know that the leftwing lapdog media will be carrying water for them.
So that means free Americans have to keep up the pressure.
UN Holds Stealth Meeting To Pass Gun Ban ASAP ALERT: Watch out! Obama and the UN are fast tracking a global law to REGULATE/AND OR BAN your firearms. Anti-gun college students organized a clandestine UN meeting to speed up the passage of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. The gun-grabbers said the purpose of their meeting was to "discuss technical aspects of the treaty." We all know, the real purpose of the meeting was to come up with a gameplan to force this treaty into international law SOONER than the original deadline of 2012! The globalist gun ban agenda wants to disarm the world one gun at a time! Take action NOW to protect YOUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS! Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! Radical Obama Appointee Attends Gun Ban Meeting On September 27-28 members of 34 countries attended the Boston Symposium on the Arms Trade Treaty, held at the swanky Boston Park Plaza Hotel. The conference was organized by a group of young glassy eyed Obama worshippers. William Malzahn attended the meeting representing the U.S. Obama nominated Malzahn as U.S. Ambassador to the UN. He is one of the many staunch gun control proponents Obama has strong-armed into the UN Arms Trade Treaty negotiations. The UN wants to make all firearms subject to international law. The Arms Trade Treaty could:
UN Gun Meeting Shrouded In Secrecy Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! Interestingly enough, not many people knew about this conference. What's even stranger is the mainstream media never even picked up the story. Clearly, the forces behind the Arms Trade Treaty want the public to be kept in the dark. While people are distracted by the elections, the anti-gun zealots are scheming to bulldoze this treaty into international law. Your ability to protect your family could be annihilated at any moment. We need the help of patriots like you to stop the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Obama Sends Another Gun Hater To The UN Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! The gun ban conspiracy is moving full steam ahead. Just last month, Obama nominated anti-gun fanatic and former Seattle Mayor, Greg Nichols, as an alternative representative to the UN. Since the beginning of his career, Nichols's mission has been to strip law abiding American of their gun rights. He's a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, an organization of city mayors that promotes tougher federal, state and local gun regulation. Nichols previously authored Seattle's failed attempt to override the Washington State firearms preemption statute. This statute declares only states can pass gun laws. Nichols most likely wanted to get rid of the statute so Obama and his cronies could have carte blanche power to smother our country with a gun ban. Alan M. Gottlieb, CCRKBA Founder and Executive Director said, "While he was Seattle's mayor, Greg Nickels supported every anti-gun scheme put forth by Washington CeaseFire, the Northwest's most active gun prohibition lobby. Nickels is a gun ban proponent, so his appointment as an alternate to the UN is a clear signal of Barack Obama's intention to rubber stamp the UN's global gun ban agenda. We had to sue Nickels while he was still Seattle's mayor to overturn his illegal city parks gun ban. Now he gets to push his anti-gun philosophy on a world scale." In sum, the fate of our Second Amendment Rights lays in the hands of the anti-gun nuts Obama has nominated to "represent" America at the UN Arms Trade Treaty negotiations. Even more shocking, Obama has already stacked the courts with radical justices who will strike down anyone who contests this assault on our freedom. As you can see, Obama's made sure nothing stands in his way of passing a slew of the most strangling gun laws in history. Obama's ideal America is a country where ALL your firearms are regulated and or destroyed. Say goodbye to that nice family heirloom rifle you were planning to pass on to the kids. Once he grabs your guns, Obama will make sure you and your family become walking targets for thugs and criminals. Obama & The UN Want To Track YOU & YOUR GUN Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! The ugly truth is the Arms Trade Treaty will turn America into a total police state. If your firearm manages to squeeze through Obama's red tape, you can bet a new Obama appointed "gun task force" will be tracking the whereabouts of your gun at every moment. The "gun task force" will also be tracking YOU. If you think our government is overreaching now, just see what happens if this treaty is passed. And that's not all. If two thirds of the Senate votes in favor of this treaty it will become global law. Two thirds of the Senate isn't a big number. Please take action and help CCRKBA flood each and every Senator's home state office with faxes opposing the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! The UN Arms Trade Treaty Will Give Obama & His Cronies Total Control Over Our Lives Guns protect citizens from governments that abuse their power. From never ending spending binges, unbridled corruption and rampant tax hikes, it's clear that our government is already oppressing us. If our guns are gone, there will be no end to the abuse from our gangster government. If this treaty is implemented the free will of you and every other American will be destroyed. Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! IF THE UNITED STATES SIGNS THIS TREATY AND IT IS RATIFIED BY THE U.S. SENATE, THE UN ARMS TRADE TREATY WILL BECOME THE LAW!
Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty - Fax All 100 Senators! The UN believes that if we take away guns from all "insurgents" our world would be a safer place. Wrong. Our founding fathers were considered insurgents. The UN erroneously thinks that anyone fighting for freedom is a threat. Guns protect citizens from governments who abuse their power. The only thing keeping the United States from turning into a Marxist Socialist regime is our right to keep and bear arms. With a guy like Obama in power it is terrifying to think what would happen to our country if we didn't have our Second Amendment Rights! We must act NOW to preserve our right to protect ourselves and our families from an opressive government at the State and Federal level! That's what's at stake here. Our freedom. Our future. IF THE UN ARMS TRADE TREATY PASSES PROGRESSIVES WILL BE ABLE TO ASSUME TOTAL CONTROL OF OUR COUNTRY THIS IS NOT A FIGHT WE CAN AFFORD TO LOSE Select Here - STOP the UN Arms Trade Treaty Fax All 100 Senators At Their Home State Offices! Keep calling your Senators today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away! CALL PRESIDENT Obama, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS. DO NOT BE SILENCED - MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators right away! For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care. Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend. SELECT HERE TO DONATE NOW The rights you save may be your own! Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive. But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom. Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever. For more information about CCRKBA go to http://www.ccrkba.org/ Thank you. I know I can count on you. Sincerely, Alan Gottlieb Chairman Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms 12500 NE Tenth Place Dept Code 4805 Bellevue, Washington 98005 With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at www.ccrkba.org or by email to InformationRequest@ccrkba.org |